Inspiration for Wedding Crossword Questions

20. 02. 2025

Looking for an original way to entertain guests at your wedding? A wedding crossword is a great idea! In this article, you’ll find inspiration for questions you can include in the crossword. Let your guests dive into the fun and create an unforgettable experience for them!

Information about the Newlyweds

  1. What is the first name of the bride/groom?
  2. What is the zodiac sign of the bride/groom?
  3. What color are the bride's/groom's eyes?
  4. What is the bride's/groom's occupation?
  5. What is the bride's/groom's favorite season?
  6. In which month is the bride/groom's birthday?
  7. In which city was the bride/groom born?
  8. What is the name of the bride's/groom's mother?
  9. What is the name of the bride's/groom's father?
  10. What is the name of the bride's/groom's grandmother?
  11. What is the name of the bride's/groom's grandfather?
  12. What is the name of the bride's/groom's witness?
  13. What is the name of the bride's/groom's sibling?
  14. What is the bride's/groom's favorite animal?
  15. What is the bride's/groom's favorite color?
  16. What will the couple's shared surname be after the wedding?
  17. What is the name of the newlyweds' pet?


  1. What is the bride's/groom's favorite hobby?
  2. What sport does the bride/groom enjoy the most?
  3. Which instrument does the bride/groom play?
  4. What is the bride's/groom's favorite book?
  5. What author does the bride/groom enjoy the most?

Experiences and Memories

  1. How many years have the newlyweds been together before the wedding?
  2. In which month do the newlyweds celebrate their relationship anniversary?
  3. Where did the newlyweds first meet?
  4. Where did the newlyweds go on their first vacation together?
  5. Where did the proposal take place?
  6. Where will the newlyweds go for their honeymoon?
  7. Where did the wedding ceremony take place?

Food and Drink

  1. What is the bride's/groom's favorite food?
  2. What flavor of ice cream does the bride/groom like the most?
  3. What dish does the bride/groom cook best?
  4. What is the bride's/groom's favorite drink?

Culture and Entertainment

  1. What band or singer does the bride/groom like the most?
  2. What is the bride's/groom's favorite music genre?
  3. What was the first concert the newlyweds attended together?
  4. What is the bride's/groom's favorite bar?
  5. What is the newlyweds' favorite movie or TV series?

Whether you’re planning a wedding crossword to entertain guests or as a way to help them get to know the newlyweds better, we hope these questions have inspired you. Creative and personal questions will give the crossword a unique charm and bring lots of fun and sweet memories. Don’t forget to adapt the questions to reflect the story and personalities of the bride and groom as much as possible.

Want to make creating the crossword even easier? Try our online wedding crossword maker tool, which allows you to create original entertainment tailored to your wedding in just a few minutes! We wish you an unforgettable wedding full of joy and beautiful moments!